
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random Musings

Heres some random thoughts and experiences from a day in my life at college junior year. I'm not at the same point in my life now but a lot of it still stands true. This may helo you get a feel for things I think about and how I operate. Maybe some of you can identify with a few of these?

I take a drink of my full glass of Pepsi. I'm not thirsty but it's the socially accepted, and more importantly expected action when sitting alone in a cafe with a full drink. Otherwise I;m just sitting here by myself staring at the table and who wants to be that guy?

I can't tickle. I always feel more like I'm awkwardly trying to grope the person and nobody wants that. If you do let me know and I'll toss you my number, digits or whatever your preferred wording is for how to call someone.

A guy just sat down and started talking to me while I was reading. I had just just finished the chapter I was on. It's the best thing thats happened to me this week.

I ordered onions and those little ears of corn or whatever they are at the Mongolian grill. I don't really like either but I feel like the guy at the grill would judge me for telling him I only wanted beef and rice in a bowl.

People are down on the psychotic community these days but I feel like they live much more exciting lives than most.

People say it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. However, if you have never loved at all than you have no idea what your missing, especially with the person you would have lost. You can't miss what you never had.


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