
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Every blog needs an introduction in my opinion. How else can readers know what to expect or where the blog is coming from right? So here it goes.

This is essentially going to be a blog for me to post previous writings and future thoughts, appifanies and debauchery. As the title would lead you to assume it will cover life, love, alcohol and so much more. After all who the hell titles a blog something that has nothing to do with its content. I'm no writer by any means but it seems like that would make sense to me.

Expect drunken entries, to laugh, to be insulted, attempts at wit, and random cameos from Paris Hilton (ok, maybe not as I neither have a connection nor would I want or seek one, it's Paris Hilton for God's sake). A few things to keep in mind as you explore through the plethera of mind blowing theories, thoughts and musings you will come across:

1. as previously stated (and I hope you've kept up with me to this point at least) some of these were written previously. I now have graduated college and some of the early posts will be from my college years. You should be able to develop a timeline from the content.

2. I have no qualms about insulting people. Most people are too sensitive these days. If I ran over a cat and found some comic relief in it you damn well know I'm going to post it. Thick skinned people suck.

3. I'm not a great writer, or a particularly good one for that matter. I don't mean I have bad content. I'd hope not or I'd have no business writing this. I mean more along the lines of punctuation and grammar. As some of you will probably have noticed 10 missed commas already. Despite being 22 and growing up with computers I still can't type without looking at the keyboard and I'm far too impatient to re-read everything I type. Correct me if you want but I'll probably just ignore you anyway.

4. My final point is this. This is my first entry, an introduction and it sucks. I know it, you know it, your grandmother knows it (see that's not even somewhat funny). Don't judge me on for it. The rest get better I promise. If not, I lied. but You won't know without reading it anyway so I still win.

So with that in mind here it is. If you ever have any suggestions, requests for a topic or anything let me know. I'm always running out of things to write about so input's always appreciated.

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